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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 712, Issue 2,
Pages 287-389 (13 October 1995)

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Retention behaviour of polar compounds using porous graphitic carbon with water-rich mobile phases, Pages 287-301
Marie-Claire Hennion, Véronique Coquart, Sophie Guenu and Catherine Sella
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (844 K)

Analysis of taxol, 10-deacetylbaccatin III and related compounds in Taxus baccata, Pages 303-309
Denis R. Lauren, Dwayne J. Jensen and James A. Douglas
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (388 K)

Chromium speciation by anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography with both inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopic and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric detection, Pages 311-320
Francine A. Byrdy, Lisa K. Olson, Nohora P. Vela and Joseph A. Caruso
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (582 K)

Differentiation of the source of spilled oil and monitoring of the oil weathering process using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, Pages 321-343
Wang Zhendi and Merv Fingas
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1188 K)

General method for determining ethylene oxide and related N7-guanine DNA adducts by gas chromatography-electron capture mass spectrometry, Pages 345-354
Manasi Saha, Amir Abushamaa and Roger W. Giese
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (480 K)

Steam distillation-solvent extraction, a selective sample enrichment technique for the gas chromatographic-electron-capture detection of organochlorine compounds in milk powder and other milk products, Pages 355-364
Gerda Filek, Marcello Bergamini and Wolfgang Lindner
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (566 K)

Synthesis and use of novel chiral surfactants in micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, Pages 365-371
Desmond D. Dalton, David R. Taylor and David G. Waters
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (286 K)

Determination of 9,10-dihydroxyanthracene and anthraquinone in Kraft pulping liquors by high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 372-377
J. Revenga, F. Rodríguez and J. Tijero
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (299 K)

Liquid chromatographic determination of the antibiotic fumagillin in fish meat samples, Pages 378-381
Jenö Fekete, Zsuzsanna Romvári, Ildikó Szepesi and György Morovján
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (217 K)

Quantitative thin-layer chromatography of perbromate, Pages 382-389
Thi Kieu Xuan Huynh
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (282 K)


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